If you are planning to apply for jobs in academia, or with teaching institutions, you will probably require a more in-depth academic resume or curriculum vitae (CV) for the field of healthcare. The difference between an academic CV and a professional resume is really a matter of the information you choose to include. For instance, if you’re targeting jobs within a professional hospital setting it rarely behooves you to include all your academic accolades such as publications, presentations, conferences, etc. Those sorts of things are not relevant, and will just take up valuable real estate on your professional resume. However, those are exactly the types of things you want to include on your academic resume or curriculum vitae for healthcare.
Once you’ve decided where you want to go with your clinical career, the next thing you need to decide is what kind of resume you will need. A professional resume should only be 1-2 pages, but there is not such limit on a CV. Instead of limiting your experience, you’re encouraged to expand on it. So if you’re targeting jobs in research or teaching, and you plan to stay in academia, then your curriculum vitae will include all of your pertinent experience, information, and accomplishments. And you will need to put that all into a clear and presentable format.
Do you think you can do that all by yourself?
If so, good on you and best of luck in your job search! However, if you’re one of the countless people who has trouble writing about themselves and quantifying their achievements, then it might be best to seek out the advice of a professional resume writer to assist you.
Send me your info and we can discuss putting you on the path to success!